The World From Our Doorstep

The World From Our Doorstep

This three-year project explored three main learning themes.

The themes were

  • the concept of interconnectedness (local-global links)
  • sustainability
  • fairness (through Fairtrade).

It used a range of stimulating learning resources including story books and topic boxes, various approaches such as story-telling, outdoor/ experiential learning, and enquiry. The overall objective was to raise awareness and change the attitudes of young children towards development issues and ensure they can take action to support sustainable ways of living. You can read more about the project here. World From Our Doorstep was funded by…

“Being part of this project has been great and definitely enhanced our curriculum over this last term.” Natland and Oxenholme Preschool

“It has been a fantastic project and sustained shared thinking has become deeply embedded in our practice and is an idea that we will carry on next year. Thank you so much” Jane, Natland