Cumbrian teachers and CDEC represent UK at European conference

Cumbrian teachers and CDEC represent UK at European conference

Apr 3, 2018

A delegation of four teachers and two CDEC staff headed to Trento, Italy, in March to the Global Schools’ “Perspectives on Global Citizenship: A Shared Commitment” conference. This was an opportunity to meet with fellow delegates from 10 EU states who have also been part of the Global Schools project, to share the project’s highlights and to sign up to the Trento Position Statement.

One of our delegation, Graham Frost (head at Robert Ferguson Primary School, Carlisle), reflects on the conference:

‘The opportunity … to discuss our successes and the challenges to successfully deliver global citizenship education in each of our countries was illuminating.

It was interesting, though not surprising to discover that it is not only the English delegation which faces the challenge of convincing policy makers to promote such outward-looking, benevolent aims. 

We explored and signed up to the position statement, which includes the following:

We believe that school communities are spaces that can facilitate the emergence of a new generation of world citizens motivated by values of solidarity, equality, justice, inclusion, sustainability and cooperation.

This last sentence echoes the sentiments which permeated the presentations, speeches and all our conversations during the conference. We all left feeling optimistic and enthused by the work being done in schools by teachers and students to promote global citizenship.’

Cumbrian teachers and CDEC represent UK at European conference