Challenge misconceptions about refugees and people seeking asylum

Challenge misconceptions about refugees and people seeking asylum

Mar 29, 2023

We share a mythbuster document that challenges common misconceptions.

There are many misconceptions about refugees and people seeking asylum. We are sharing a MythBuster full of information that will tackle these misconceptions.

For example:

Did you know that people seeking asylum cannot claim benefits? If they are destitute and have no other means of supporting themselves, they can apply to receive asylum support. They are provided with basic accommodation and receive just £5.84 per day to cover all their needs including food, household items, travel and internet. Refugees are entitled to the same benefits as anyone else. You can learn more about this in our mythbuster document.

You can read the mythbuster here.


We are also sharing an article that sheds light on what the refugee experience is really like in England. It is a must read. You can read it here.

Challenge misconceptions about refugees and people seeking asylum